Through the system he called ''Globish'', it is possible to communicate with people from every country by using 1500 words in English. Nerriére is a marketing manager retired from the worldwide computer-manufacturing giant, IBM. The idea of Gobish was born during the 1980's when he was in Paris working among the company's employees from 40 different countries. He realized at that time hat he communicated in English with foreigners better than Americans did in Tokyo and Seoul where he had been working as an international marketing manager. According to Nerriére, people speak a kind of English peculiar to themselves, which is not quite understood by Americans or English. Globish is the systematized form of it and it serves to communicate on a basic level.
Nerriére who defines the language as ''the DNA of a culture'' sees Globish, far from claiming to be a language, considers it as just a ''mean'' for communication. On the other hand, Globish has nothing to do with efforts of producing a common language such as Esperanto or Kosmos, either. Globish is based on practical observation rather than being an artificial language adventure and aims at better communication for those using English. Nerriére defines his system, ''The most interesting aspect of Globish is that it can express everything with 1500 words. People all over the world communicate with this level of vocabulary.''
Globish is based on the most frequently used 1500 words English words. This is a big facility when you think that there are six hundred and fifteen thousand entries in the Oxford English Dictionary. It is possible to download the vocabulary from the Globish website. He vocabulary list generally includes basic words from ''able'' to ''zero''. For instance, words ''niece'' and ''nephew'' are not in the list but the expression ''the children of my brother'' is suggested instead. In addition, grammar rules of English are used but simple structures are preferred. According to Nerriére, what is not taught is ''wrong and bad English'' but just ''simple English''. This language can be learned on computer, it is possible to practice orally via phone or on the Internet. The site also mentions opportunities for affordable lessons in countries such as India where wages are low but English is spoken well.
There is a big demand for Globish. The book ''Parlez Globish'' published in Paris last year attracted great attention. The website, where the language is being taught has been visited Seventy-six thousand times already. Apart from Globish lessons, the website also includes learning tools such as songs to facilitate memorizing vocabulary. When you think of the many companies that require English, Globish by Nerriére seems to have a rather bright future.
People generally start learning English but become crushed under thick books and stop learning. Money and time spent for language learning may be wasted. Nerriére defends that this is a good opportunity to overcome this nightmare. It is possible to completely learn and understand Globish in 182 hours.
Frenchman, Nerriére interestingly claims that Globish can save other languages from the spread of English. He defends that by reducing English to 1500 basic words, it can be prevented from entering into other languages. He also adds that Globish is equally difficult for Americans and English. Nerriére hopes that the EU or the UN one day accepts this system as a common mean of communication.
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